Temy Knowledge Base

iOS Apps Development

User Interface

Qualified Competent Expert
Anatomy of constraint,
external and internal changes, autolayout vs frame-based layout
Stackview, debugging autolayout, anchors, safe area, self-sized views,
Hugging priority/Content compression resistance
Layout directions (left-to-right/right-to-left),
autoresizing masks (springs&struts)
Xibs (Nibs), Storyboards    
xibs and/vs storyboards, custom UI elements in xibs and storyboards, file’s owner, loading from xibs and storyboards programmaticaly, segue, pass data via segue, customization ui best practices IBInspectable/IBDesignable, size classes, xib vs nib, NIB object lifecycle, unwind segues, git conflicts in xibs and storyboards, xib’s xml structure  
animations via autolayout,UIView.animate, CALayer, CAAnimation facebook pop, UIDynamics, 3D animations, UIViewPropertyAnimator, CADisplayLink SpriteKit? Adobe After Effects?
Internationalization i18n & Localisation l10n  

Data persistence

Qualified Competent Expert
Core Data    
Core Data Stack & Architecture, Relationships, Data Types, fetching Performance, concurrency/multithreading/multiple contexts, changes and updates tracking Migrations, nestedcontexts, profiling, persistence under the hood (SQLite, XML, Binary, In-memory). iCloud synchronization,Security
Other approaches    
UserDefaults, KeyedArchiver Realm, Keychain  


Qualified Competent Expert
Basic syntax, optionals, control flow, error handling, memory management (ARC), classes, structures, enums, functions, initialization/deinitialization, inheritance Objective-C Interoperability, POP, generics, type safety, KVO/KVC, value and reference types, subscripts, bitwise operators, overflow operators, operator methods, access control Swift performance, Swift + LLVM, method dispatch, swizzling, @dynamic, final, playgrounds, Swift Standard Library
Basic syntax, variables and types, collections, initializations Blocks, categories, Integrating Swift into ObjC, C/C++ code usage inside Obj-C Runtime, Class structure (isa), Method swizzling, MRC


Qualified Competent Expert
NSURLSession basics, encoding/decoding of URL data, lifecycle of a URL Session Multipart requests, response caching, handling redirects Background handling, NSURLAuthentication, TLS Chain Validation, streams, sockets, NSURLConnection
Response handling    
JSONSerialization, error handling Codable/Decodable, NSCoding  
Building a network layer    
Alamofire, mappers Moya , CFNetwork  


Qualified Competent Expert
Understanding of code signing, provisioning profiles, app schemes configuration, Launching app on device Working with iTunes Connect, App Review Guidelines. Build automation, beta-testing tools and deployment platforms. Fastlane Advanced automation skills (plugins, scripts)

iOS essentials

Qualified Competent Expert
UIViewController lifecycle, iOS app lifecycle, NotificationCenter Working with filesystem, background modes, Xcode project structure  


Qualified Competent Expert
Grand Central Dispatch    
basic knowledge about multithreading and concurrent programming, deadlocks, race conditions. async vs sync, main vs background Dispatch queues, units of work, prioritizing, quality of service, timing (time & after) Dispatch groups, semaphores, dispatch I/O, dispatch sources. Interprocess communication, XPC Services
basic knowledge about multithreading and concurrent programming, deadlocks, race conditions. Operation executing, cancelling and configuring. Operation states. NSOperationQueue. Subclassing and overriding. BlockOperation Operation dependencies, NSOperationQueue
Thread (NSThread)    
    Ability to work with Thread. Initializing, starting/stopping, state handling, prioritizing. Locks, NSRunLoop.


Qualified Competent Expert
Push Notifications, URL schemes Deep linking, Universal links, App Indexing Advertisements (AdSupport, AdMob etc)


Qualified Competent Expert
Basic knowledge of unit tests Complex unit tests, XCTest, Quick/Nimble (Kiwi for Obj-C) TDD, UI tests, web testing and debugging

Xcode build system

Qualified Competent Expert
  xcodebuild, xcrun. Targets, bundles, frameworks, libraries. pbxproj, xcconfig, xcodeproj, xcworkspace, xcscheme, xctoolchain. Build phases, shell scripts, build rules, build configurations. lldb, lipo, llbuild, swift package manager, linker. Flags


Qualified Competent Expert
  Keychain, iOS security guidelines, TouchID, FaceID Security framework - authorization and authentication, code signing, cryptography, result codes. Secure coding guide. iOS security overview


Qualified Competent Expert
Basic knowledge of measuring app performance with Xcode instruments. Object Graph, Network Link Conditioner. UI optimization (opaque views, fat XIBs, image sizes, main thread blockers, layers vs paths etc) Optimization modes in Xcode, whole module optimization, gzip compression, lazy load and reuse of views, caching, tableview and collectionview optimization, date formatters Memory warnings handling, speeding up app launch time(static vs dynamic libraries, merging several frameworks into one monolithic)

Architecture Patterns

Qualified Competent Expert
Delegate, MVC, observer, chain of responsibility, Singleton. MVP, MVVM, VIPER, VIP, Router. State, Strategy, Visitor. Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Builder. Adapter, Decorator, Facade. Flux, Redux. Mediator, Memento, Command, Prototype, Proxy

Functional/Reactive programming

Qualified Competent Expert
Basic knowledge. Recursion RxSwift/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift/ReactiveKit, higher order functions. Futures&Promises. Pure functions. Complete understanding of reactive approach. Functors, Applicatives and Monads.

Hardware & Media

Qualified Competent Expert
Basic AVFoundation, CoreBluetooth, AVKit Core Audio. Advanced AVFoundation, CoreBluetooth, AVKit. WebKit. Core Telephony, Core Media Core Motion, IOKit, Compression


Qualified Competent Expert
Basic MapKit & CoreLocation. Basic socials integration. Sharing AddressBook, AddressBookUI, Messages, MessagesUI, Advanced MapKit & CoreLocation. Advanced socials integration. In-app purchases


Qualified Competent Expert
App extensions tvOS, watchOS, SpriteKit, SceneKit, HomeKit, HealthKit, EventKit Metal, CoreGraphics, OpenGL, cross-platform development, ARKit CryptoTokenKit, SiriKit